Links to External Sites

The links below will open a new window and take you to a new site.
If you feel that there is a link that would be useful to other members of the club please email the suggestion to


Swimming Organisations:

British Swimming and Swim England English Swimming Governing Body
West Midland Region The English region to which we are affiliated
Warwickshire County The County to which we are affiliated
Coventry and District The Local Association of Swimming Clubs
Nuneaton JSL A Local Junior swim league
Arena League National Swimming League
Arena Junior League National Junior (9-12) Swimming League
BUCS British Universities & Colleges Sports
ESSA English Schools Swimming Association


Alan Higgs Centre Home to COCSC
Lyng Hall School School facility used 4 nights a week for squads, Friday nights for adult lessons and all day Saturdays for childrens lessons
Caludon Castle 25m facility used 4 nights a week by various squads

Meet Software Suppliers:

Sportsystems Supply of meet management, Member management and Ranking management software.


Aquarius Interiors Ltd Major Club Sponsor



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Sprint Night Dates 2013
Sprint Open Meet 21st September
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