1. These are the booking terms and conditions of the City of Coventry Swimming Club, C/O The Alan Higgs Centre, Allard Way, Coventry, CV3 1HW.

2. BOOKING. Your contract is with " City of Coventry Swimming Club " (hereinafter referred to as COCSC").  By asking us to confirm your booking you are liable to be regarded to have read and are agreeing to these terms and conditions. Bookings are only accepted on a City of Coventry Swimming Club booking form. This must be signed by the parent. The parent is responsible for making all payments. Any terms that you suggest or other terms and conditions are excluded from the contract unless expressly accepted by COCSC in writing. The booking form must then be forwarded to COCSC, together with full payment for the camp/training day per person. Once COCSC have received your booking form and all appropriate payments, COCSC will, subject to availability, confirm your camp/training day by issuing a booking confirmation. Please check this confirmation carefully as soon as you receive it and raise any queries immediately.
3. YOUR CONTRACT. A binding contract between us only comes into existence when we dispatch our confirmation to you. This contract, and all matters arising of it, is governed by English law.
4. PAYMENT. Full payment per person must be paid before COCSC confirm your camp/training day. After COCSC have dispatched confirmation no further reminders will be sent.  If payment is not received in full and on time, COCSC reserve the right to treat your booking as cancelled by you.  You may pay by cheque (UK Bank or Building Society); Sterling Bankers Draft or Cash (Sterling).  All payments must be made to “City of Coventry Swimming Club”.  COCSC reserve the right to charge £25 to cover our administration costs for any dishonoured cheque.
5. CHANGES BY YOU.  Should you wish to make any changes to your arrangements after they have been confirmed, you must advise COCSC in writing. Whilst COCSC will endeavour to assist, COCSC cannot guarantee to be able to meet any such requests.
6. CANCELLATION BY YOU should be confirmed in writing to COCSC, sent to the address stated in Clause 1, or by email.   In the event of a cancellation of the booking by you within 3 days of the camp/training day you will remain liable to pay the full amount.  The period before the camp/training day will be determined by the day your written cancellation is received by COCSC.
7. CHANGES BY COCSC.  It is sometimes necessary to make alterations to the itenary and other details both before and after bookings have been confirmed. COCSC reserve the right in our absolute discretion to do so. Although most changes will be minor ones, it may be necessary to make a significant change. Classifications of significant change: Change of Coach, Assistants, Mentor or Venue.  All other changes are treated as ‘minor’ changes. If it is necessary to make a significant change before the camp/ training day, COCSC will advise you as soon as is practicable.

8. CANCELLARION BY US. Very occasionally, it may be necessary to cancel a camp/training day. COCSC must reserve the right to do so. However, COCSC will not cancel within 2 weeks of the camp/training day unless you have failed to make a payment in full or on time, or we are forced to do so as a result of circumstances outside our control. Where your camp/training day is cancelled other than due to your default in payment, COCSC will offer you the choice of attending an alternative camp/training day of a comparable standard, if available, or receive a full and prompt refund of all monies you have paid to COCSC.

9. “FORCE MAJEURE”.  COCSC regret we cannot accept liability or pay any compensation where the performance or prompt performance of our contractual obligations is prevented or affected by reason of circumstance amounting to “force majeure”. In these booking conditions, force majeure means any event which we the supplier of service in question could not, even with all due care, foresee or avoid. Such events may include war or threat of war, government restrictions or the exercise of government authority, riots, civil strife, terrorist activity, industrial disputes, natural or nuclear disaster, adverse weather conditions, fire and other similar events outside our control.
10. OUR LIABILITY TO YOU.  COCSC accept responsibility for ensuring that all parts of our contract with you are properly performed. This applies except where any failure to perform, or improper performance is due to: your own acts and/or omissions, or those of a third party not connected with the provision of your camp/training day and which were unforeseeable or unavoidable, or an event which either ourselves or the supplier of the services in question could not have foreseen or forestalled, even with all due care.
In the case of loss and/or damage, to and/or of personal possessions (including money) COCSC are in no way liable.
11. COMPLAINTS.  In the unlikely event that you have any reason to complain you must write to us with full details of your complaint within 5 working days of the end of your camp/training day.  COCSC regret we cannot accept liability in relation to any complaint which is not notified entirely in accordance with this clause.
12. SPECIAL REQUESTS. If you have any special request, please clearly note it on your booking form. Although COCSC will endeavour to meet any such requests, COCSC regret we cannot guarantee any request will be met. Failure to meet any special request will not be a breach of contract on our part. If you have any medical problem, or disability which may affect your participation, you must advise us in writing at the time of booking, giving full details. If COCSC feel unable to accommodate your particular needs, COCSC must reserve the right to decline/cancel your booking.
13. BEHAVIOUR.  COCSC expect all our clients to have consideration for other people. If, in our opinion, or in the opinion of any other person in authority, you behave in such a way as to cause distress, danger or annoyance to any third party, or damage to property, we reserve the right to terminate the camp/training day of the person concerned without notice. In this situation, COCSC’s responsibilities towards that person (including any pick up arrangements) will immediately cease and COCSC will not be responsible for meeting any costs or expenses that may be incurred.  COCSC will not make any refunds or pay any compensation.

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